
ENV 200: Principles of Environmental Science

Offered: Fall and Spring Semesters

Fundamentals of the life sciences and physical sciences as they pertain to our environmental problems and solutions, as well as consideration of the pertinent social sciences such as economics. This interdisciplinary science course teaches relevant basic research techniques, and students will conduct research on real environmental problems.

This course includes field trips/work, and requires walking outdoors over uneven terrain, often in less than ideal weather. Students who may have difficulty navigating uneven terrain should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources at 508-565-1306 or at least two weeks in advance of the course to allow for planning around accommodation needs.

ENV 201: Research Methods in Environmental Science (WID)

Offered: Fall Semester

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop and practice the research skills required of today’s environmental scientists. Working in the lab and field, students will learn to safely identify, collect, analyze and report on key variables from a variety of environmental systems including rivers, forests and wetlands.

This course includes field trips/work, and requires walking outdoors over uneven terrain, often in less than ideal weather. Students who may have difficulty navigating uneven terrain should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources at 508-565-1306 or at least two weeks in advance of the course to allow for planning around accommodation needs.

ENV 295: Physical Geology

Offered: Not Offered 2017-2018

A systems approach to geology and landforms, including ecosystems that develop on the abiotic substrate. Scientific study of the earth’s modern and ancient lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

This course includes substantial field work both on and off campus, and requires walking outdoors over uneven terrain, often in less than ideal weather. Students who may have difficulty navigating uneven terrain should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources at 508-565-1306 or at least two weeks in advance of the course to allow for planning around accommodation needs.

ENV 350: Climate Science

Offered: Alternate Years: Spring 2018, 2020

An overview of the Earth’s climate system, including major physical and chemical components and interactions. Students will acquire the scientific perspective necessary to competently assess issues related to current climate change concerns.

ENV 360: Introduction to Oceanography

Offered: Alternate Years: Fall 2017, 2019

This course is designed to be a fundamental introduction to ocean sciences. Students will explore the physical and biological processes that govern the ocean’s circulation and marine life. Topics include waves and currents, marine life and ecosystems, tides, beach erosion and the way the ocean is being affected by global climate change.

This course includes substantial field work off campus, and requires walking outdoors over uneven terrain, often in less than ideal weather. Students who may have difficulty navigating uneven terrain should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources at 508-565-1306 or at least two weeks in advance of the course to allow for planning around accommodation needs.

LC 318 – Learning Community: The Ethics and Science of Climate Change

Three Credits
Spring 2018

In this LC students will think critically about the potential social and environmental impacts of climate change in our region. In the spring LC course, students will work with local community partners to assess risks and opportunities, working to develop climate action plans tailored to that organization.  

Corequisite(s): Students must also take ENV 200 and ENV 270 as part of this Learning Community.
Note: This is a year-long Learning Community.